Our gorgeous girl. You came to us in a roundabout way. As a pup you belonged to a neighbor of ours. When he went to work, he would tie you up outside all day until he came home. We didn’t know him, but one day Mom went and talked to him and asked if it was okay for you to spend the day at our house, sort of like doggy day care. We had eight dogs at the time and thought you’d enjoy spending the day playing with them instead of being tied to a tree. So began 2 years of doggy day care for you.
You were a very happy, energetic pup and loved being at our house playing with everybody and enjoying yourself. Then your owner’s job forced him to travel and he only came home on weekends. At the time we didn’t know this, but suddenly you were gone. Through the grapevine we found out he had given you to a friend of his. We were crushed, he could have asked us–we would have taken you in a minute.
Time went by, almost two years, and suddenly you were back. During this time we had not talked to your owner so we didn’t know the circumstances. Well, we noticed you tied to the tree again only this time 24/7 and some other neighbors feeding and watering you occasionally. Mom watched on the weekend and when your owner came home she went and talked to him. Turned out the friend that he had given you too was badly abusing and neglecting you. He took you back but didn’t know what else to do with you because he still had to be gone all week. When questioned, he said you weren’t offered to us in the first place because he didn’t know us and figured because we already had eight dogs we wouldn’t want another one. Boy, was he wrong! You would have been spared a lot of pain and suffering if your owner would have just asked us. After clearing this up, you came to live with us immediately.
By now you were almost 5 years old and the abuse you suffered for those two years you were gone took it’s toll. You were no longer carefree and happy, you were cowering and afraid. We gave you all the love and understanding we could but you never trusted anybody again. It it so sad what ugly people can do to beautiful dogs.
We had to watch you around the other dogs now because you were nippy and agressive and we also had to watch how we approached you, even though you knew us and knew we would never hurt you.If we hollered at you, you became submissive and lost bladder control. We loved you all the same and you stayed with us until one day you attacked one of the other dogs and it became apparent we couldn’t trust you anymore. You were no longer a happy dog and the fear that was instilled in you was taking over your life. One day you bit Mom. We took you to the vet to see if there might be an underlying physical problem for your behavior. After running tests, it was discovered that you had bladder cancer.
There was no cure and we would not let you suffer any more than you already had during your life. With heavy hearts we let you go. What changed your behavior was not your fault and you did the best you could. We understood that and that’s why we brought you to be with us. If only at the time your owner would have thought to ask us, things could have been so much better for you. You were a beautiful girl and we loved you in spite of everything. There is nothing to be afraid of anymore–you are at peace now and nobody will ever hurt you again.
With Loving Thoughts and Memories,
Bone |
4, Mar 2002 |
Helen Malinauskas & Joe Bielinski |