Boots by Dee, Dana, & Mike Chambers / Mom

From the moment I saw you walking around the petting farm, I knew you were special. There were at least three other cats walking around with you, but I knew you were the right one for our family. I asked the lady that worked there about you and she said how mild you were. I wanted to make sure because I never had a pet before. She certainly was right about your disposition.

On the four hour car ride home, you didn’t even make a sound in the carrier. You just looked at us with those loving eyes and melted our hearts. You gave me, Dana, & Mike so much joy, love, and laughter and were one of the sweetest cats ever.

I will always remember your glances of love, you putting your head sideways, which always made us laugh, and most of all you doing your silly march and sleeping on my lap till my legs fell asleep.
You gave us all fourteen years of love that I will carry with me forever. I pray that God is taking care of you now and that I will see you again one day. I will always remember you,
my beloved pet.


Love you always,
30, Apr 2004
Dee, Dana, & Mike Chambers