Boy Buttercup by J. Kitts & T. Blickenstaff-Kitts / Mommie and Daddie

Now I realize, Boy, that voice that I kept hearing on Thursday, was your Angel repeating “Boy wants to go”. Animals already know how to love, so they don’t have to spend as long here as we do. So they go to heaven sooner.
– unknown-

Ode To: Boy Buttercup

My sweet Boy, I was with you at your birth and 16 years and 4 months and 1 day later i was your instrument in passing through to your next life. The three words that say everything about you are “My Best Buddie”. Your buttercup glow that you brought to my life always brought fond memories of my childhood, for each time you hold a buttercup under your chin, there is a beautiful golden glow. I thought I chose you to live with me but in the end I realized that I was the lucky one for you chose to live with me and bestow all of your love and affection onto me. Each time you nestle in my arms with your head on my shoulder and rubbed your check next to mine I know you were saying “I Love You” and I would respond “I Love You too buddie”. As the evening fall light hits the beautiful golden marsh grass I realize that you are everywhere that I am for your fur coat matches perfectly with nature and the golden color
of the fall marsh grasses.

My final gift to you is to be your instrument to another life, one that will being complete peace to your beautiful spirit and like my Father said to me I will also say to you. “One day I will meet you in Paradise!” I know you made it, for when we drove thru Jefferson a warm and very peaceful feeling filled my soul. I know Poppy was there to show you the way. My heart breaks as tears fall down my cheeks for you Boy Buttercup, but I now know you are safe and
I will forever love you.
Mommy 8:30 pm


We will forever love you,
Boy Buttercup
4, Sep 2003
J. Kitts & T. Blickenstaff-Kitts