Brodie by Dayna


Oh my little man where do I begin?
How do I put into words what you meant to me?
You were the love of my life and my best friend,
you were my soul mate.
You gave so much to me over the 6 and a half years
that we had together. So much love and so much joy.
The best times we had were our special trips to the beach.
Boy that was so great traveling with you and seeing
the smile on your face as you smelt the salty air.
Your life brought so much joy to me and so much love.
Now even in your death you find a way to bring me love.
The new friends I have are the parents of your
new friends and they bring such love into my life.

Together the legacy of our babies lives on.
Your death has brought so much heart ache and
sadness to my life.
But oh the freedom you now have.
The freedom from pain and the freedom to run
and romp and play. I still see you in my dreams
and I hear from my friends that you visit them also.
Oh Brodie many tears of joy I shed when I hear that you
are saying hello to my friends.
You are such a lovable guy and you always did
like saying hello to every person you met.

You have such a compassionate heart and it is filled
with so much love.
I am writing again Brodie.
I am going to end this letter to you with the most
recent poem I wrote for you.
I love you my little cookie monster.

I love you so much.

6 Month

I love you Brodie with my heart and soul,
But you were hurt and needed to be whole.
So I sent you to God in the heavens above,
I sent you there because of love.
On earth how Brodie’s body did ache,
God said give him to me his pain I’ll take.
6 months now that you’ve been without pain,
6 months now I have poured out the rain.
It hurts so bad I shed a tear,
It hurts that you Brodie are not here.
It nearly killed me to lay you to rest,
But for you Brodie I did what was best.
Oh Brodie mommas handsome little boy,
You brought to my heart so much joy.
I love you Brodie with all my heart,
It’s only temporary that we have to part.
Next time I see you will be forever and one day,
We will be together again and all will be okay.

Written by Dayna Greenroyd
In Memory of Brodie

A Tribute to Brodie


24, Feb 2002