Brook by Kerri / Mommy

My Beloved Brook – A Woman’s Best Friend

It’s only been three days, but the pain seems like it will live on forever. It’s overwhelming sometimes. I keep trying to think of the wonderful years we had together, but it gets clouded by the hurt I find in my daily routine. Just for a second, I thought about feeding you this morning. When I realized you weren’t there, It was like a shock to my system all over again. My day is consumed with thoughts of you with every action and every step I take. For 15 years you were my best friend and loyal companion.

There was nothing I didn’t do on a daily basis without you in mind. Even now when I’m throwing garbage out, I find myself making sure I push it down far so that you can’t get into it. When I take my shoes off, I make sure they are not in your path so you won’t trip over them. I’ve left the house several times and find myself worrying about time because I have to get back to let you out. I know in time this will all change, but I find myself having a really hard time with it. You’re just not here. You’re not on my heels or by my side which is where you have been for so very long. I don’t want to come in the door anymore because you’re not there wagging your tail and almost choking
with excitement because Mommy is home.

I miss you terribly and my heart is just broken. I found myself angry with Mickey Mouse on the tv yesterday because Goofy will live forever and it’s not fair. I’ve tried to prepare myself for this day for years, but nothing can ever really prepare you for the loss of your best friend. You literally saved my life more than once. I’m not sure I would be here if it hadn’t been for you. Your love, loyalty, kindness… and the incredible bond between us got me through some really rough times. You are an amazing friend and my heart will always have a spot that only you can fill.

I wish you so much happiness. I hope you are somewhere chasing bunnies and running through fields. Running without the ailments that fell upon you in your later years. I hope someday I will see you again. What I wouldn’t give for another lick on the face. Mommy loves and misses you terribly Brook. Thank you so much for all the joy you have brought to my life. I can only hope that I was able to fulfill your needs and bring you joy also. I will go forward believing that we were meant to be together and that we were equally fufilling each other’s lives and needs.

I have been SO VERY blessed to have you in my life!!


With Love & Kisses,
24, Mar 2008