Buddy and I met in a local dog park. My cocker spaniel, Daisy, and I had gone there to meet Beagles from the local Beagle rescue group. My first Beagle had gone to the Rainbow Bridge a few weeks previously and we were still grieving, but also ready for a new Beagle to come be part of our family.
When I first saw Buddy, I thought “Oh, my gosh, he looks so much like my first Beagle.” Both boy Beagles were Lemon and White Beagles, but even more than that, they had similar markings. I resisted Buddy at first because he was already 7 yrs old and I thought I wanted a younger dog. But when Buddy came over to me and drank from the water bottle cap just like my cocker spaniel did, I was hooked. It started raining so we quickly got things together and Buddy came home with Daisy and me. I had been told that Buddy was a “couch potato” and, sure enough, after we walked into the house, he immediately jumped up onto the couch!
The first time Buddy barked in front of me, I jumped! He barked really loud, even for a Beagle. When we went to a new vet after moving, the first time we were there Buddy let everyone know he was there by barking lots. One of the vet techs came out and said “I thought that was a lab out here with that huge bark, not the little Beagle that you are!”
Buddy also liked to be vocal like all Beagles do, but he also liked to sing. One of my best friends’ sons would ask me all the time “Can we make Buddy and Daisy sing? (Daisy “sings” too with her Buddy)” and we would start singing songs to get the doggys to sing with us.
Buddy loved to take long walks on trails, in our neighborhood, or on the beach. At the beach, he would sit, look out at the Gulf of Mexico, and sniff the air.
Buddy always made sure I was within his eyesight. He might close his eyes and sleep, but if I left the room he was in, he woke up and followed me. Buddy loved to choose a comfy spot to sleep in….moving from the comfy chair to the couch to the loveseat. If I was sitting on the couch or loveseat, he sat right next to me, often with his head on my lap. If I got up, he would steal my spot which always made me laugh. At night, he walked up his ramp to sleep by my feet or alongside me in bed. He was always by my side.
In April of 2010, Buddy had thyroid cancer. The cancerous tumor was successfully removed and he healed quickly. But then in November of 2010, Buddy was diagnosed with transitional cell carcinoma, aka bladder cancer. With what the vet told me and what I read online, I was scared he would die within a few months. But he didn’t! He took his medicine daily and continued being his wonderful beagle-y self. I was so happy and so was Buddy (and Daisy, too).
Then, two weeks ago, Buddy started to lose neuro-control of his back legs. After a visit to the vet and no jumping up or down from the furniture, Buddy was doing great again.
Until Monday evening (March 19).
Buddy started to really have trouble walking and holding his hind end up with his back legs. I didn’t get really concerned until I noticed he kept one of his front paws turned the wrong way and it took him a full minute to flip it back the right way. I called the vet and was told it was time to let him go, that the cancer must have spread to his spine and/or brain. Because he didn’t seem to be in pain, the vet said I could take a day to spend time with him and say goodbye.
I talked to and loved on Buddy even more than usual (which was already an awful lot!) all day Tuesday, all Tuesday night, and Wednesday up until he slipped away to the Rainbow Bridge.
I will always miss Buddy following me from room to room, barking his super-loud beagle-y bark, and him stealing my spot on the couch as soon as I stood up.
Buddy, you are, and always will be, loved.
With lasting love,
Buddy (aka Bud Boy & Budster) |
Jennifer K |