Buster by Myra and Rick Nuckols / Mommy, Daddy ,Bunny and Rusty

We miss you terribly my Buster Baby. It is not the same coming home and not having you run to the door wagging your tail. I look arround at the place where you ate dinner or at your bed and I cry at the emptiness there. You were my heart and I do not know how to go on without you here to make me feel better. I know you are not in pain anymore and I am grateful for that but my heart is broken with your loss. Bunny and Rusty miss you too. Bunny looks for you everywhere especially when we come home because she thinks we went to bring you back. I hope you can come to her and show her its okay so she can go on without you and be happy. You left us with a lot of precious memories and we will be forever grateful that you were in our lives for the past fifteen years. Thank you for everything you gave to us. Be at peace my sweet little boy!


Love always,
12, Oct 2006
Myra and Rick Nuckols