by Carina and Ronnie / MAMA

Well, Bud, it’s been six months today since you left this world. Your presence may be gone but in my heart you are still very much with me. I think of you constantly, and you know that. I know your life lasted shorter than I ever thought it would. When I first got you I imagined you living 10-15 years and would cry to you how I would live without you, now I suffer the pain without you after your life only lasted 2 years, 8 months. I wish all the time I could turn back time to the moment 17 months before your death, but realize I can’t so I now live day to day with all the precious memories I have of you.

The day of your death is locked vividly in my mind, and heart, to be at your side in your last moment of life is the most remarkable things in my life. The thought of you knowing I was right there by your side until the very end gives me strength. The love and friendship you showed me in your short life was amazing I couldn’t of asked for a closer companion; you gave meaning to the term man’s best friend. I asked Sheba today about you and she still looked for you as if you’ve only been gone a day not 6 months (she loves you)you were her boy also. I have to thank you papa for the rest of my loves Sheba, Cedo, and Pug if it wasn’t for you they wouldn’t be here and they thank you for that also.

Although my heart broke the day you passed it is my ongoing love for you and the endless memories that slowly is repairing it. I can’t express in words how much I miss you, but I can assure you that I will never ever forget you and the impact you had on my life. You were my shadow that followed me everywhere, you were my soft shoulder to cry on; you were my warmth when I slept; you were my everything, and I assure you one day I will be with you again my boy. I dread the winter coming when there will be no clouds, the clouds I look to on clear days and see you sitting waiting for me. Enjoy yourself up there, Bud, as you are no longer sick and have many friends. Tell H.D. I said hi. Just keeping looking forward to the day we are ALL reunited it will come bud some day and when it does all the pain and memories will be no more. So in closing this through my tears I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU EVERYDAY !!! p.s. WHO’S MY BOY, WHO’S MY BOY You still are and always will be just like I promised you at the end.


Carina and Ronnie