by Charlotte Hayes / Mommy

Oh, Bingo, sixteen weeks ago, you went to Rainbow Bridge. As I held you closely, I knew that our life together was being measured in seconds, not minutes, days or hours. You were leaving me, and my heart was breaking.

I could never find the words to tell you how much I love you, how much I miss you, and how much you gave to me so unselfishly.

Baby girl, do you remember when you first chose me to be your forever mommy? You were so tiny, so sweet and so full of energy and excitement. Everything was an adventure for you.

Those puppy months were wild. I still laugh when I remember that you systematically removed very bit of cotton under my box springs. You chewed exactly two things…the two slats in my blinds.

Do you remember the time you ran off? I know you really were just searching for an adventure and then got lost. You’d crawled up into an auto engine dropped from someone’s car. From your neck down, you were black with oil. After unsuccessful attempts to use puppy shampoo, only Dawn would “cut through that grease.” I was SO very happy when you were found and the wonderful people brought you home.

You grew up, and we started having so many experiences together. You visited me at the hospital. You went to meetings with me until you started to bark at people who came in late! We traveled by plane and by car.

Do you remember the apartment across from the club? You would sit for hours on the back of the sofa and look out the picture window waiting for me to come back from having coffee. Everyone would look up, see you and laugh. You even made it up to Bill’s cabin at the lake. That was our last road trip together.

You made me happy, and you had such a unique personality. You could be so funny, and the next minute, you could be so distant and independent.

There was nothing about you that I would have changed…nothing. You loved me without question. You protected me from everything that you thought was dangerous.

You were so respectful of me when I slept late. I remember the day I woke up but didn’t move. I opened one eye, and there you sat…looking at a blank wall just waiting on me to get up.

My sweet little girl, I miss you so much. This last 16 weeks have been very, very painful because you aren’t here.

I know that God has a beautiful little sweetheart sitting at His feet now. I know that you enjoy the beauty that is Rainbow Bridge. I am so happy to know that you will never, ever suffer another pain or fear, and that your days are filled with sunshine.

I picture the day that I arrive at Rainbow Bridge. I can see your short little legs carrying you across the fields to come welcome me. I’ll pick you up, cover your beautiful face with kisses, and we’ll dance our way into heaven togehter.

Until my time comes, please know that I will love you every day with the same love I had for you when you were here.

You are my Bingo Bernice Springfeet, and I’m your forever mommy! Nothing can ever change that, little one.


You're my special angel sent from God above...
Charlotte Hayes