by D J Thornton / D J Thornton

Mikey said mom, There is this kitty you see
I want her to come home with me
Can we go see her, can we please
So off we went reservations appeased
such a small ball of fur,
black and white was her.
A mini tuxedo adorned a feisty spirit
and loud meow, let’s get it.
Yin and Yang

Many an hour she spent cuddled in my hair
she was to tiny to be left anywhere.
So, small, so cute, so always into mischief
Up a tree on the roof, having to rescue again.
All, too soon she was into the Mama way,
we had a house full to raise and
before we could find them homes;
she did it again…
Having Babies in a hurricane. Chirps, your baby, left you first
I placed him here

But we kept some
we shared some.
And we will take care of them still
earning me the name Cat Lady.
Always bringing us your stray friends.
The #6 cats always stays the same.
One Leaves and one comes to take his place.
Even now there are a few of your friends
here looking for you.
Then You watched over them and us,
keeping us happy and mad with your bad self,
that your name went from Kitty Baby to Bad.
And you were, we would say Bad Kitty,
and you would swish your tail
til the fur flew. and then in a flash be
cuddled in my hair asleep. Good Kitty Mama

Yin and Yang

You even made the Bad Kitty List

I will not play king of the Lazy Boy chair
and bite and scratch anyone
who comes by and you are there in lots of places.
You will remain
a presence in cyberspace to remind us
of your playful self and your BADD self.
You will like that;
you couldn’t stay off the computer,
that’s what earned you the Bad name
We went thru a lot you and I,
Birthing Babies, escapades,
a house fire you saved us and your babies.
And you were getting ill as the days went by.
Losing your hair from all the swishing
I don’t know what spooked you that day.
You left but you will always be here still

BadKitty Hit by a Car July 6, 2004
age about 7 years
See you girls on Rainbow Bridge



D J Thornton
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