by David Andrew Windsor

You were the best dog anyone could ever hope to have.
I’m sorry that the first part of your life wasn’t better.
I only wish that I had known you then.
But I am glad that we had the time that we were given.
You died on a Sunday it was March 24th 2002.
You died of a brain tumor it was sudden so you weren’t in pain
which I am glad about but I still wish it hadn’t happened.
But you will always be here in spirit.
And your unconditional love will be remembered forever.
I was just thinking about some of the wonderful times we had.
I remember when I first got you your owner told me that you
didn’t like men but as soon as you saw me you came
running over to say hi.
From that moment on I knew that we were made for each other.
I remember how you always used to bark at our neighbors.
And how you used to run and hide behind me when ever they
got too close to you. But you still kept barking at them.
I remember how you used to tramp through the snow looking
for the perfect potty spot because you didn’t want to
sit in the snow.
And how you always looked forward to our walks.
It didn’t matter what room you were in as soon as I picked
up your leash you would be right there at the door.
And I remember how you used to love chewing on the leash.
You always had to have it in your mouth.
You were soo cute.
And I loved carrying you upstairs every night and setting you
on the bed and adjusting your pillow just the
way you liked it.
And I remember how you enjoyed it when I read you
those Dr Seuss stories. And how when ever I stopped in the middle
you would lift up your head and look at me with that
expression that said “what did you stop for? I’m listening.”
I remember your favorite was the Lorax.
You know what? It is my favorite too.
It is hard for me to believe that you are gone I keep hearing
you barking and I turn around quickly but it always turns out
to be in my head.
I don’t know if there really are angels on earth but if there are
you truly were on of the best.
I haven’t explained to your sister Daisy what happened yet
but I know that she will understand. She always does.
Just like you did.
I always knew that I could talk to the two of you about anything,
and you would never judge me or make me feel like there
was something wrong with me.
And I hope that I did the same for you.
I don’t know where animals go when they die but I know that
wherever it is that we will be together again someday.
And I hope that where ever it is that you are happy.
That is the most important thing.
And I hope that I made your life as wonderful and
meaningful as I could.
I wish that you could be here with me right now but I guess
that is kind of hard to do.
I feel your spirit with me though and that helps.
I will write you often and I will love you forever.
I love you Peg Peg!


David Andrew Windsor