by Emily / Emily 2002

Dear God,

Please watch over my dog that died a few years ago. She was the most innocent animal that you would ever meet. She was separated from her family when they were forced to move into a place where the owners did not appreciate the love and companionship that their dog brought to their family. I would ask all of the people that read this to say a short prayer for our beloved dog. We never did find out what the cause of death was for her. I would hope that that all of the people out there that care about feelings and life will help all of the people in support of animal rights, and animal abuse prevention.

I also pray that they will have the courage to take a stand against those who have yet to feel the influence and joy that all animals bring to the human race. Please help all people that have hard feelings against animals to feel your presence and change their ways. Thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon us.


