Cash Knox was born on April,06/year 2003, Under a lil house located in the five mile area, On are around June 06,2003 They was winged in ready to be given to their new owner(Mr.Hareold Knox&the Late Mr. Christopher Lee.Newsome) in Which he was raised in train under their leadership for 12 years which made the dog be a senior of time of his death Cash lived to be a total of 87 years of aged cash was called the dog with the pimp hat because he loved his daily walks as he dressed in his service animal outfit in light blue striped pimp hat. The ladies jikely called him, look at that pimp dogs, cash was honored and approved as a service animal in the year 2007 where he as trained to help all but not limited to people with disability,Cash brought many smiles to the people in his home town, He as called the amercian dog due to hi8s dailyn walk with huis late master Christopher Newsome who passed away late December 2009 prior to his master departure from earth cash was later adopted by Mr. Gerald T. Palms in year 2010 where he gave the dogs great hope in pleasure in loving tender caqre . Cash and Tyrone waqs the best of buddies in walked daily in the parks in aroud the neighbor hood until Tyrone. It wwas then that mr. palms allowed a hired Service Animal in Dog Walker Patron by the name of Mr. Miecheal Major who also loved the dogs as his own Prior to tghe last farwell of cash life he had the pleaszure to walk run in jump with his trainer in love pet pwner mr. miecheal major, All suvillians are honored to say that there lovely dog cash knox will be mith,ssed as he departed his life on November 28th 2015 around 11:30 p.m. in his home at the Downtown Dallas Area where hgis disable owner Harold Knox and he resigned. Mr. Knox is the soul proud owner of thios service animal in which he highly loved the compainon of his service animal, Mr. Knox will missed his service animal in compaion love one known as canine knox for more them he can endear. Cash in his memories along with his lovely owners will live on, He will be cherised by all of Dallas Texas and host of friends. he will also be cherised by his baby sister Christina knox in hich they were a great team yiou never saw one without the other , cash later recieved a total of 3 more siblings that was later adoted by the owners above, sweetie palms/step sister/miss ann knox, and the boy male tintin major. in which as all the remaning dogs are still in the heart of their big pimp brother cash who taught them all to get it how you lived. He ill be missed by ewach in every one of them.
with Defined Love
Harold Knox/Gerald Tyrone Palms/The Late Christopher newsome |