by Hilary Matthews / Hil

Kitty was a wonderful little girl, or old lady. She was a small cat, 8 pounds, who was 16 years old when she chose me. Her original owner was going to put her to sleep, but my roommates and I took her in instead. She chose me as hers. I wanted a kitty cat and she wanted a human to love and spoil her. I only had her for a little over two years, but wish I had her sooooooooo much longer. She was almost 19 when I put her to sleep today, 1/24/04.

She had kidney failure. Its absolutely amazing she made it to 19 years old in the first place. But, since I only had her two years, it was too soon to say good-bye. She was an old lady who just endured an 8 hour move from DC to Boston. She made the trip, but only lasted 3 more weeks. Poor baby. But, I tried and I loved her enough to try to bring her with me. And, she loved me enough to try to endure that horrible car ride. She was a good little girl. Who had sooooooo
much love and affection to give.

I’m glad she chose me. I was able to give her the most wonderful retirement home in the world. To be spoiled rotten and loved dearly from the day she chose me to the day she died. Rest in peace Baby. Rest in peace. Forgive me, Kitty, for putting you to sleep tonight…only 3 hours ago. I know I did the right thing and spared you pain, but I still feel horrible. I love you Kitty. Thanks for choosing me.
Love your Mommy,


I love you Kitty.
Thanks for chosing me.
Hilary Matthews