On Monday I was told
that your days were numbered,
your time on earth was short.
To watch you walk pains me,
as well as it does you,
I did’nt want to bellive,
I was going to be losing you soon.
Murphy my beloved pal, you
spent most of the day on your
side, then trying so
hard to stand up.
When you did walk,
I saw you stop, staring
off in a distance so
confused, not knowing
what to do.
I started giving you pain
pills in hopes you would start
to eat again, but my dear friend
that was not to be.
Only God knows how you feel,
it hurts me deeply, I’m over flowing
with sorrow and grief, as tears for
you fills my eyes.
Seeing you in such pain is
tearing me apart, the hurt
is more than I can bare,
I now know what I must do,
as I lay here in bed, seeing
your beautiful, yet sad eyes
calling out for help.
I will always love my dear
dog and best friend, many years
of happy and sweet memories
of you my friend.
I called the vet Tuesday,
she gave me a time of 3 PM
to bring Murphy in to be put
to sleep.
So tomorrow that is what
I will do, as tears flowed
once again, I placed my arms
around you telling you how I loved you.
I took many pictures of
you, these last few days,
but a picture of you is in
my heart and always will be.
wrote 3-4-10 a day after I had him put to sleep
James Foulk |