by Jenna DeVore / Jenna DeVore Copyright 1999

My worst fear had come true…
But we will all feel are hearts free of his pain,
Knowing his life will never be in vain…
Deep down I know right from wrong,
But we all get clouded by our own pain…
Selfless love..
Is difficult when unconditional love has been given to you,
A gift so pure when two hearts become one…
Letting go of one you love is
hard when they have so much sentimental value,
It will always be hard to let any of them go…
But what I have learned
is that if I close my eyes to dream,
They always remain in my sight…
I still can hear his tags jingling down the hall,
Feel his hot breath on my face…
I still can hear his bark when he wants to come in,
I can still see his tan and white tufts of fur on the floor…
He is waiting for me,
My time may not be now
but some day and when I do arrive
in that place of joy…
All my beloved pets and I can re-join together,
And once more smile bigger then ever…


Jenna DeVore