June 16, 2002 – August 22, 2009
Only seven years. People would look at me and shake there heads, how sad they would say, that you had her for only seven years. I cried and thought how horrible that God would only allow us only seven years with my precious Tippy girl.
Then one day I received an email from somebody I didn’t know. I often wonder how it got to me but it sure did change my thinking. Here is what the lady wrote:
I know your heart is crying and you wonder why God took her. Why he didn’t give her a full and long life with you. Why she left you feeling so alone. I know thats what your thinking because thats what I thought when I lost my beloved “Lucky Tip” at the age of 6.
I was quite young and thought my world had came to an end when I spoke to My grandmother and listened to her advice: Don’t think of the years that you will miss but of the years you had. Ask yourself a few questions such as did your pet change your life? Are you a better person for having been owned by that pet? Would you do those years over again if God would give them to you again. Would you change anything you did?
The Lady ended her email with this thought That we should not dwell on the passing of our pet as much as we should think on the good memories and the joy we had with her or him.
Before I go my Tippy girl, I would like to say that yes you did change my life so very much and I know for sure that I am a better person for being owned by the most beautiful dog I will ever know. Without a doubt if I could have you for another seven years I would grab it. My only wish is that you not get sick. The thing I would change is the time I spent with you even though we were together most days I would want more time. There is not many things I would do different just a few. We had a great life together. I will always remember and love you
I will never forget you. You are and always will be my UPPY DUPPY PUPPY!
Forever In My Heart,
Julie Sheppard |