by Kathy

On September 24 2000 I lost a piece of my heart.

I had to have my beloved dog a Bouvier des Flandres named

Moose put to sleep. He was the center of my life for almost 11 years

and I was devastated. He wasn’t the first dog I ever had.

I have had many but I learned that once in a lifetime we have a

forever dog and for me that dog was Moose.

This past year I have grieved like I have never grieved in my life,

although I had many so called friends remind me that he

“was just a dog”.

I did many things to try to make myself feel better.

The thing that was most important to me was that he would

never be forgotten. I put a memorial on In Memory of Pets and

found comfort that there were people here who understood

even though they were in cyberspace.

I made a little memorial garden for him in the yard this summer.

On the anniversary of his last day at the lake

which he loved dearly I let a balloon soar up into the

clouds (and heaven).

The balloon said I miss you.

I didn’t care what anybody thought of what I did.

I just did it because I had to do it to make myself feel better.

And I had to do it for Moose.

For my birthday this year I asked my family to not buy me

any gifts but to donate the money to a Bouvier Rescue Group

in memory of Moose. And they did in a most generous way.

Well I have to tell you that did it!

That gave me the peace that I was looking for.

Helping some really great dogs that deserve a second chance

and meeting some really great people involved

in the rescue group.

Quite a legacy for my Moose.

Guess what I want for Christmas?

The very same gift that I got for my birthday.

Moose will live on at Christmas too.

He will live on in my heart and in the hearts of all the people

who rescue these dogs and get the gift of love.

Isn’t that the best gift of all?


