by Little Brook Ann

Mandy your little buddy and playmate Little Brook Ann

misses you!!!

You went to quick on that day that she never really had a chance

to say good-bye and this why wants you to hear this poem

although it is meant for a dog and his master she wants it to be for you

as her best friend even if it was only a year of watching a huge

German shepherd keep motherly hold over a little sheltie puppy.

She has gotten very lonely here without you but don’t worry we have little

pal now for her. Her name is “Becky Ann”(sheltie) a puppy like

Brook Ann was to you she mothers hers like you did.

Little Brook Ann although loves “Becky Ann” she still looks for you to

chase her through the yard.

When her time comes you’ll be able to see her and chase her down

and play hide and seek in the clouds!!!

Should You Go First!

Should you go first and I remain

To walk the road alone,

I’ll live in memories’ garden

With happy days we’ve known.

In Spring I’ll wait for roses red,

When faded the lilacs blue;

In earl’ Fall when brown leaves fall,

I’ll catch a glimpse of you.

Should you go first and I remain,

For battles to be fought,

Each thing you’ve touched

Along the way,

Will be a hallowed spot.

I’ll hear your bark I’ll see your smile,

Though blindly I may grope,

The memory of your helping paws

Will buoy me on with hope.

Should you go first and I remain

One thing I’ll have to do,

Walk slowly down that long path

For soon I’ll follow you.

I want to know each step you take

So I may take the same,

For someday down that lonely road

You’ll hear me call your name.

Little Brook Ann


Little Brook Ann