by Mandi / Your momma

A long time ago A girl(me)had a dream.
A dream of owning a rottweiler.
Everyone told my parents they are mean and attack people and a girl shouldn’t have one. Well I kept asking and asking and finally it paid off.

My mom surprized my one night 11 years ago. She told me she had something for me. So I waited for her to come and get me. I was at Shan’s house. I’ll never forget. She pulled in and Penny showed me your sister and I thought she was mine and then the door of the truck opened and there you were sitting on mom’s lap shy and scared I took you in my arms. I kept looking down at you just in amazement.
You were mine and mine alone.

It took three days to come up with just the right name for you. After mom and dad tried to name you. An old song came on the radio and That is how you got the name: Chances R Chancey. Over the years you brought me great joy and when we got burnt out of our home. I bought you a new one where you spent the rest of your days being
the Queen of my castle.

Nobody really understands the bond that we shared you where my dream come true and my best friend. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life Chancey and most of all thanks for being a part of mine.


With all my love,