The first time I saw Sparky, I was looking out the back window of my house into the back yard. The year was 1986. He was a pretty dog, full grown, he looked a lot like a German Shepherd. I sent my husband out with some food, in case he was hungry, and he was. Our neighbor who also had a dog, called animal control to have him picked up. But I kept thinking about him, he was so beautiful and gentle. We already had an outside dog, and an inside dog and were not looking for another. I called to check on him and was told he had hook worm and was very ill with it, they were not sure if he would be released for adoption if they could not get him healthy enough. To get them to work harder on him, I told them we’d be back to adopt him if possible. Eventually he was ready, and as promised, he had a home.
Tippy-Too already lived inside, and didn’t take too well to having another dog to share his space with. It wasn’t that they fought at all, it was just a look on Tippy’s face that he felt jealous, and so, Sparky went to live outside with Lady. In later years, at a dog show, I came face to face with the exact image of Sparky. It was, I found out, a Belgian Malinois. They look a lot like a German Shepherd, but without the squat in the hind quarters that are a trademark of a German Shepherd.
We moved the next year, and Sparky was the victim of an untimely death. He ingested some poison meant for moles along with one of the other dogs, but Sparky did not survive. Apparently for the first time in his life, he actually got more than his share. I’m sure he would have made a good house dog, the few times he spent time inside there were no accidents. At the time, I also really thought he was too big of a dog to be living in the house.
What he taught me-
Life is short, we all need to learn to share, there is always room for one more. He also taught me to never count on tomorrow, I never thought for one moment he was in danger outside or that his days would be so few with us.
Special day Memory –
I decided to have his picture taken professionally and that day sticks out in my mind like no other with him. He had a bath, then I brushed and brushed him to get all the loose fur off of him. He was silky soft, and so patient with the brushing. Although he was not used to riding in the car, he took to it well. We went down to the photographers and it was only a sitting for the pet, so I could not be in it. But Sparky would not sit there alone. I sat next to him, with him almost leaning on me, until the photographer would give a cue and I’d move away slightly for the picture. We went by Moms that day too. She really liked him. Even though he was so big, he did not cause her any fear at all. That was a special day for both of us.
I could never find another like you, until we meet again....
Mark and Karen Howk |