by Melissa Horan / Mom

Oh my sweet Ebony,

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I miss you. It’s Christmas time and this is my second Christmas without you. I have only one candy cane on the tree and it is yours. It will be the only one on the tree always just for you. You sure did love those candy canes. I can’t belive its been over a year since you left me, and I still miss you like it was just yesterday. The tears still come, just not as often and most the time they come now with a happy memory. I love you Ebby. I will always love you. I know that you’re by my side most of the time. I just know it. I think part of you lives on in Daisy. She does so many things like you use to do.

Oh Dolly, I know you know how I feel, I’m just so sorry that I didn’t find you before that car did. I’m so sorry. I love you. You’re my angel. You always were. You saved me and I saved you which made us a perfect pair. I will see you again I truly belive that, until then know that you are never far from my mind because you’re always in my heart.
Loving you always.


Many hugs and kisses,
Melissa Horan