by Mike & Diane Avis / Mommy, Daddy & Spenser

We had just lost our beloved Humphrey not quite two months before, so I wasn’t really looking to bring another dog into our family so soon. The first time we saw you Rocky, you had just arrived at the S.P.C.A and you were still lethargic. We left, still unsure about committing to another dog.

We thought it over and went back the next day. By some miracle, you were still there Rocky, and what a change! You were almost happy to see us. That settled it. In October 2008 we adopted you. Looking back on it, I believe it was a sign that you were supposed to be part of our family.
We were together for five years before you left us. As I sit here writing this, it’s raining and I have to believe it is the angels crying for you, Rocky. Perhaps it is Gods’ way of telling us that He knows of our sorrow and that the sun will come out eventually, bringing with it good memories of you.

I’ve heard it said, and I believe, that dogs are angels sent by God to live among us. For reasons known only to Him, He called his angel home. But for the time you were with us Rocky, we made sure you were warm and safe and dry. You were loved, and we always made sure you were part of the family and that you were never lonely. We tried our best, and we hope you were happy living with us. But we’ve done all that we can for you Rocky, and now we must trust in the Lord to take care of you.

We believe that you’re with Humphrey in the land of love divine, and may the goodness, mercy and love of the Lord wash over you. We pray that you know we still love you and that our separation is only temporary. Someday we will all be re-united at the rainbow bridge. Just wait patiently, but until that time; goodbye Rocky.


We will always love you,
Mike & Diane Avis