by Mom & Dad

It’s been 14 months since we lost you and

my heart still aches for you 2.

I remember all the good times we had together and smile

every time I think of things.

Like the time you both decided to bring those newborn bunnies

home to me or the time you 2 found the nest of newborn mice

in the yard and decided to bring them home too!!

I smile every time I think of this. 🙂

How about all the cattle herding we did together?

You 2 really loved to chase the cattle and let them know WHO

was the boss!

You 2 brought so much joy to our lives and now even though it’s

been 14 months the emptiness in our hearts is still so painful.

We miss you so very much and you will always hold a very special place

in our hearts until we are able to once again see you and be

together as a family again.

I do feel your presence with me so I know you are watching

over me as you always have.

This Christmas 2001 will be our second Christmas without you

and it has not gotten any easier.

Our 2 Beautiful Beautiful BOUVIER’S there can never nor ever

be a Bouvier that can come even close to what you are.

We love you very much……….

Mom & Dad


Mom & Dad