You came to us on July 4 1996.
You and your brother Cookie were the cutest
Saint Bernards I ever saw.
Having been born on April 18 1996 you were 12 weeks old.
We brought you both home to have a wonderful life.
Unfortunately that wasn’t to be for you.
When you were 3 years old you developed seizures.
We were able to get them under control in about a week.
Medication 2 times a day.
We received unconditional love from both you and Cookie.
Your life continued uneventful just hanging out running
and playing with Cookie.
April 2 2002 you developed an abscess on your right rear paw.
Daddy took you to the Hospital where Dr. Moffett and Dr. Balch
wanted you to stay a few days.
They wanted to be able to get this massive abscess well.
You stayed a week and everything seem to be going fine.
All of a sudden it stopped healing and back to the Dr. you went.
They both decided to keep you again.
By this time it was almost the end of April and you
had a birthday on April 18 2002.
You and Cookie were now 6 years old.
You spent about
14 days in the hospital.
The Drs. and some of the Techs brought their children in during
the evening and weekends to play with you.
Many of the children had never seen a St. Bernard in real life.
They nicknamed you “Big Puppy”..
On May 2 2002 you were out for some exercise and
started limping on your left rear leg.
The Dr. immediately X-Rayed.
They were devastated you had the Big “C” Osteosarcoma.
The Dr. said Surgery nor Chem nor Radiation would do any good,
it had spread too far…
Bring you home with pain meds and lots and lots
You had 11 – 24 weeks.
You received all the TENDER LOVING CARE
that could possibly be done.
On sunday June 30 2002 you took a turn for the worse,
we knew the end was near…
I made arrangements for you to go to Rainbowsbridge
on Monday July 1 2002.
This took place at 4:55P.M. with Daddy Judy
and mommy there with you while Dr. Balch and
her assistant administered the drug to relieve your horrible pain.
You are now at Rainbowsbridge where you are a pain free puppy again.
Doing all the things you want to do.
You gave unconditional love.
Cookie has taken over for you watching
out for everyone.
You are truly loved and missed by Mommy Daddy Judy,
Cookie ChewChew Furgy and Tippy.
This Reflection was written from the heart by Peggy.
We love you and miss you.
Mommy and Daddy
” Born April 18 1996 Diagnosis May 3 2002,
Rainbowsbridge July 1 2002
Peggy |