by Renee Hartman / Your loving, grieving family

My Darling Cloud Warrior,

Today marks one year ago that our lives
and hearts were torn apart . We did not
know until the next day that you had
left this earthly plane of existence, but
the other kitties knew.

Sweetheart, it still hurts me to the core
that I was not with you when you left
us. I know that’s unfair to myself, because
I could not have known. But it’s just so
damned unfair that you died alone, when
Bogus did not. I would give my heart
to have been there with you in your
final moments. But I guess that’s the
way it was supposed to be. Still it does
not seem right or fair to me.

Your human daddy misses you so much
and hurts so badly still. He loves you
so deeply and completely. Seven still
misses you dreadfully. Frankly so do
all the kitties. And my youngest son that
you bonded with first. And I miss you
very much. My two consolations are
knowing that you are at Rainbow Bridge
waiting for us, restored to full health,
and that you have your own special
song that has immortalized you forever,.
I play it often. Like today. And I can’t
help but cry. I’m sorry but it just hurts
so much. I miss you so very much.

You were such a blessing to us at a
time when we were still hurting so much
from losing Bogus Khan. Who, the way,
is also immortalized in his own song.
You brought healing and love back into
our lives, brought Seven back from
insanity, and helped raise her lovely
kittens. I will never, ever forget the
look on your furry face when you realized
that she was giving birth to her kittens
on your human daddy’s bed in the house.
I’m sorry darling, but that was just the
most comical expression on your face.
You were so loving, comical, loyal,
and everything good to and for us.
You stole all our hearts in seconds,
from the time my son spotted you coming
home from school on February 4th, until
the time you walked into our house and
proceeded to steal
your human dad’s

You were the most brave and trusting
kitty in the world to have come home
to us the terrible night that someone
tried to kill you. What faith you had in
us that we could help you. And my
precious fur angel your trust and faith
was fully justified. How could we do
any less, after all that you had done to
enrich our lives? You were so so
brave that night and all the days that
followed. I’m so sorry that your jaw
never was the same and that it hurt you
all the days that followed, until the
night you were taken from us so
abruptly. You didn’t deserve that.

You did the most splendid job in the
world of training Seven’s kitties and
watching them grow into amazingly
swift, smart, loving, hunter cats.

I know you are waiting for us at the
Rainbow Bridge, but my darling
fur angel we miss you so much from
this earthly plane of existence and
can’t wait until the time when we
will be with you and Bogus again
for eternity…………


We love you We love you We love you
Renee Hartman