by Wendy

I knew you were ill and had been for a few years but I

refused to let you give up.

You were my life my friend. We did and went through everything

together for eleven years.

You knew me my thoughts my feelings better than anyone

else in the world.

The day came and I had to make the worst decision of my

life – to have you put to sleep because the vet said they could do

no more for you.

I am so sorry I could not stay with you the hurt the

pain was unbearable.

I took the cowards way out I left you with the vet I could not

bear to be with you and watch you slip away.

I hope you understand and forgive me,

but your Dad buried you in one of your favourite spots you

used to go to as a puppy.

Please forgive me and hopefully one day we will be together.

The pain and grief is still most days unbearable.

I miss you so my darling Jodie.


