Cali was like my husband and I’s first child, we went to pet smart to look for a kitten and I found a cage with 5 kittens and the lady there said one of them is a girl the rest are male and I can’t tell which is which and that their mother was eaten by a coyote, and I opened the cage and the most beautiful lil kitten came running at me and I knew she was the one, many time she was so loving others like chasing a bee and getting stung.. But what I love to remember is while I was pregnant with my baby, she would sleep with me and curl around my tummy, or even now or I should say not to long ago I was diagnosed with crohns and graves and in a lot of pain she would lay with me until I was able to even get up and sometimes would be all day and night she wouldn’t move.. She loved me and I would be lost with out her at times…
I love you Cali and you should of never died the way you did, I still don’t know why you snuck out and went next door, and I still can’t believe the dogs killed you.. I love you Cali with all my heart!! You will always
be my first baby!
With love always my lil Cali girl,
Cali Sue Jenkins |
Melissa Jenkins |