
Dear Casey

I can’t believe you are gone. Everything happened so fast but I couldn’t bear to see you suffer. I hope you know HOW MUCH I LOVED YOU AND STILL DO. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about you a million times and also kiss your picture. I miss that little tail wagging when I came home. Even though for as long as I had you which was only 5 years you were totally deaf you always seemed to know when I was coming home and would be waiting for me. I am so LONELY without you. Everywhere I go people ask where you are because we were such a team!! It seemed like fate that our paths crossed and I was lucky enough to be able to adopt you. You came into my life and made such a difference. For such a little girl you sure made your presence known to SO MANY PEOPLE and are missed by so many. Casey there are days that I just can’t bear to come home to an empty house and just want to join you. I hope to GOD YOU ARE SAFE AND HAPPY and have made LOTS OF FRIENDS. I LOVE YOU and my life will never be the same without you. PLEASE KNOW I THINK OF YOU ALL THE TIME and THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A GOOD FRIEND TO ME.



6, Nov 2000