One year on
A year has passed since you left our side
your dad and me have cried and cried
The days gone by have been hard to bear
losing you was just not fair
We are full of hurt that you are gone
we knew that nothing else could be done
That day was the hardest thing we had to do
to say good bye and let go of you
We can’t believe how a year has passed
the memories of you last and last
Our hearts are broken with the lose of you
we loved you so but I think you knew
We hope your safe and you are fine
if only you could send us a sign
We would love to hold you and give you a kiss
to show you how much you are missed
The love we shared was one of a kind
there’s not a day goes past your not on our minds
We lost our boy our best friend
and hope one day our hearts will mend
Love hugs and kisses our little one
We love and miss you our lovely son
One year on,
chas |
2, July 2007 |