Cindi passed away on 5/12/2005 after a long battle with liver disease at the side of her beloved master Alex.
Cindi did not know she was a dog. She was always slightly role confused. She was always acting very noble and
did not like to get dirty.
When we would fertilize the lawn, she would circle it and look at it, as if to say..”disgusting”. She thought she was an adopted mother of two boys.
She had certain house rules that were to be followed strictly no exceptions: No rough housing or hitting. No leaving her alone at any time.
Birds are not allowed on grass, nor bunnies.
Ducks are to be hated at all costs even if it means I have to get wet & dirty to get them.
Dog food is terrible, if I get it two days in a row, forget it, people food preferred, especially chicken (taste like duck?).
Most of all Cindi insisted upon being cuddled and loved and would not take no for an answer!
All my love,
Cindi |
12, May 2005 |
Janette |