Coco by Jim Woodward / Daddy

Coco had eight brothers and sisters, and I kept him because he had to have surgery when he was seven weeks old. Although I loved them all, I am so glad that I chose him. Coco was unique. He had personality that wouldn’t quit, and his little quirks were adorable. We went everywhere together. He loved to ride, and go to many places. He liked having other humans ride with us, but when they got out of the car, he would go off. I never did figure that one out. We had some great adventures in our travels, and he loved every one of them. Both of us were so happy. Coco ate what i ate, slept where i slept. The past twelve and a half years have been the most wonderful of my life, but his going to heaven has totally devastated me. People don’t understand that his passing on is no different to me than if one of their kids had died.

I will treasure forever the time that we had together. Coco filled my life. He was truly the best friend I could have ever asked for. He was there through some hard times, but our love got us through them. He shared the good times, making them even more wonderful. Coco was my light, my life. I know that he is in heaven, running and playing with the other babies, and that I will see him again, but that thought doesn’t change the fact that I cannot hold him, hug him, pet him, now.

Coco was the most important person in my life, and I am so thankful for all that he gave me. I will NEVER stop loving my special boy.


Our love will never die,
Jim Woodward