Conan by maria / Mom

Conan came to us as a tiny wild kitten. It took us a week of “the love treatment” (thick gloves partnered with hours of holding and petting) to tame him. He would greet us at the top of the stairs puffed up, head down, ready to rumble. Of course, when you reached the top he was nothing but loving. He was gentle, loving, protective, beautiful, talkative, and playful to the end. He tolerated the late addition of a dog to the family – and he made it his business to keep the mutt in his place. Conan developed oral cancer 2 years ago and put up a fierce battle. I was sure he would win. I had to have him put down two days ago and the heartbreak and guilt I feel are overwhelming. He was an integral part of our family and my son’s best friend. We miss you Co.


With much love,