Coosa’s Dandy Stripe by Carol Mom AtThe Last Roundup Rescue / Mommy Carol

Coosa’s, I brought you in with Dakota Dream Catcher at 5 months old and you to were half brothers full of orneryness and filled with a heartfull of love to give me in return for the love I gave both of you. People said I was crazy for taking two stallions in and never would calm you down. You never needed a halter and when you hurt your leg you laid down and let me wrap it knowing you could have hurt me at anytime. I talked you into letting me help you by talking to your heart which no one understands but me and you. When you became so very sick from the medicine you were allergic to it broke my heart to watch you try to fight back and when your battle was over a large part of my heart went with you. I will never forget you my special boy.


With Love,
Coosa's Dandy Stripe
Carol Mom AtThe Last Roundup Rescue
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