" Copper "
March 3 1996 ------ May 2 2000
At 7:30 PM My beloved Copper meet Jesus.
Copper was put to sleep by his devoted Dr.Emily
Quietly he left ........peaceful and suffering no more.
We cried for the loss of such a wonderful creature and
brave beyond words dog.
At least the physical part of this whole thing is over.
Then comes the really tuff part for me... the everyday routine
of getting on without him. I have tried so hard to prepare
myself but to no avail.
Forgive me for the weakness. We fought a good fight and
we won some battles.... Cancer did not take him willingly or easily.
He has had a GREAT life and been loved so much .... he was spoiled ....
born a dog but he dies a friend child love of my daughters
and my only son.
He will live in my heart always as will the memories.
To my other friends who lost their angels.
We weep but let us rejoice that we had them for awhile
even if it means this immense pain ; as Garth brooks said
" We could have missed the pain but we would have missed the DANCE"...
the love was worth it was it not.
Heart broken,
Copper |
Frances |