On Tuesday evening I had to put my precious little Crystal to sleep. She was a 16 and a half years old. She lived a full wonderful life with 3 people who adored her and showered her with love. I would kiss her at any chance I got. She was at the door greeting all who entered. She was there to wake me in the morning and there whatever time I went to bed..I’ll miss that little white paw over my arm. I’ll miss the gentle paw touching my face to say “time to get up”. I’ll miss the licks across the face. She was there for me in good times and bad. She loved everyone. She was like a little puppy dog that came running when you called her name. She was very smart and loved to talk. I miss her so bad it hurts, but i know she is in a better place and pain free. You will be in my heart forever. I’ll miss my little pooh bear.
I love you Crystal,
Crystal |
30, June 2009 |
Scott Bulger |