Dixie by Lois Bishop / Mommy

It has been two weeks since you so suddenly left me. I search for answers as to what could have happened to my beloved Dixie. There are none. You were your exuberant self that Sunday afternoon and a couple of hours later you lay dying in my arms. There was no time to even start to the emergency clinic. I find solace that you did not appear to suffer and during the seizures I was able to tell you how much I loved you and was there with you. When you took your last breath, a part of me went with you.

How I miss you. You were always there loving me during the good and bad times. I could always count on your sunny disposition to cheer me on. Although you had no tail to wag, you could really shake that rear end to show your joy. I miss the way you cocked your head and listened to me. It was as if you understood what I was saying. We comforted each other when your beloved Gypsy died. You became her best friend when Thunder died and I was too overcome with grief to comfort either of you. It always amazed me how a little fifteen pound Schipperke bossed those two Dobes. Your through the fence doggy friends miss you and
the treats you sent them.

Seven years with you was much too short. Since Schipperkes often survive into their twenties, I thought we would grow old together. You were going to be there to see me through the passing of my elderly cats. Instead, Boo Boo Bear and Kee Kisha have had the task of comforting me every time I cry for you. Which is often, since there are reminders of you everywhere.

I remember the day I picked you up at the airport. It was love at first sight. Money was tight when I retired and you seemed happy with your life of leisure. I hope you forgive me for not being able to show you and finish for a championship. I cherish all the ribbons you brought with you.

I know you are reunited with Gypsy and Thunder and that you are once again boss of the big guys. Keep everyone in line and always remember how much you were loved. When my time comes to depart this world I know you will there with the gang waiting for me. Until then I will
always cherish the memories.


With love until we meet again,
12, Oct 2003
Lois Bishop