♥Dusty♥ by Bill and Debbie Stanek / Mom and Dad

I remember when your dad went fishing down in Mississippi in 2001, and was gone a week…he came home a day earlier than was planned. And when I got up, he did not tell me why and it really did not matter. After an hour of being home, he went downstairs and came up with you in one of his hands. That is how small you were. Even to young to be let go. I was so mad at him for bringing you home, cause I was not ready for another dog, since we just recently lost our other dog, Sammie. That did not last long, maybe five minutes, and I grabbed you, and your dad and myself never let go. We did not have any puppy food in the house right then,so your dad gave you Cheerio’s and milk until
we could get something the next day.

From day one at our home, you went to work every day with your dad, unless it was going to be to hot outside for you, then at night, you were my dog. And that is the way it remained through the years. As a puppy, you tore anything and everything you could find. But that was just the “puppy thing”. And we loved you all the same. As you grew older, your dad drove out to find a place for you to run and swim. He found a large piece of land where some people lived and went to the door and asked if it would be possible to use the land and the pond for you. He paid these people every two months to use their land. And as the years went by, Sarah and Will became our friends also. They loved you so much. Oh, how you loved it out there. Wild and free. You had cattle, deer and goats that you could run with.

Through the years, you showed us, who ruled the house, YOU! When you sprawled out on the big sofa, we sat in other chairs, so you could be comfortable. You gave us love and compassion bigger then we knew was possible. You had your eggs for breakfast, and cottage cheese for dinner. No, you weren’t spoiled. Not at all! You had your bouts with sickness, but nothing serious. I always said, I would go out to the land and walk with you and your dad, but I never did.

Then two weeks ago I finally did go. And we walked and walked, while you ran and ran, always checking to see if we were coming behind you. And now I am so thankful that I went. Because that was your last run. You did not feel good two days before that, but we did not know why? You seemed fine on Saturday and fine on Sunday, the day we walked. Little did we know what was coming next. You went to work with your dad Monday morning. and he came outside to see you and then 15 minuets later went out again and you had died. “Dusty, we do not know
what happened and we never will”.

Your dad brought you home, for me to say my final “good-bye”, and we laid in the truck with you for over an hour. Just petting you and loving on you. Then we took you to the vet and had you cremated. You are now at home, where you belong and where we wanted you to be. You are on top of the fireplace, in your little urn. You gave us almost nine years of pure pleasure, and we thank God for giving us that time. You are missed so very much!!!

We know your with “The Big Guy Above”, you went to church every Sunday, except for 5 times, in your 9 years. And all your friends(Donna, Mrs Mike, Billy, Cynthia and Mike) all miss you very much, as do the other people you greeted as they arrived and left the church. You were sort of an “icon” there.

Our only prayer, is that there are hills, creeks and ponds at Rainbow Bridge! I hope you know we loved you, and our hearts are heavy and tears flow freely. But remember, someday we will be together again, the three of us. And we will walk and run as a family again. But until that day, run, play and live like you did here on earth. There will NEVER be another YOU! No other dog could give us the sincerity and unconditional love that you gave to us.

The neighbors are all heartbroken because you will not be there, running to greet them, or going into their garages to see if they kept any goodies in there. Patty and Dave always had treats, Didn’t they? And what about “Miss Sally Brown” your girlfriend? You two Labs were a trip when you got together. Every one of them will miss you. And don’t forget Glennie, she would always come over when you were out in your favorite place, in the garage, in the truck, laying on the top of the tool box being “King of the world,” she would bring you treats and rub your ears, You were her favorite. You sure had all of the neighbors in the palm of your hand. If you could see the stuff they brought over you would be amazed. Flowers, donations and your own sign for the front yard with your name on it.
You left paw prints on all their hearts.

Dad and Mom miss you terribly, it isn’t the same without you! May you rest in peace, “Little Buddie”. You were one heck of a true companion.I hope we gave you as much love as you gave to us! Thanks for the nine years, they were the greatest.

Meet you at the Bridge– wait for us Ok?


With all our love, Forever and always,
1, Feb 2010
Bill and Debbie Stanek