Dusty-loo-&Gingin by LLGDUSTYS / Love LLG

The Fire: By LG© 2007 Thursday, November-08-07
They clearly did not see eye to eye one was male one was female and this is one sad tale. How two cats that once hated each other became best friends till the end.
I watched in fear one summer night as my house went up in smoke I heard my son yell fire! As I was getting ready for bed. Then everyone around me just fled! I saw both the cats run out the door. Hoping to see them once more.
I touched the door knob to my sons room it was red hot. I opened the door and saw flames rising up the walls. I tried not to fall as I ran out of my house. Not sure where to go but luckly I still had my trusty phone.
I dialed 911 as fast as I could. All I could see was smoke as I stood across the road. I was all alone. I heard my son yell fire at the neighbours and soon they all came out to see what the shout was about.
I waited and I waited until help finally came. My life was not to be the same. I watched as the whole night flashed before me.
Sirens filled the night air. It was all so unfair. I wondered how this could have happened?
I asked my son he told me how sorry he was and that he was playing with matches. He thought the match was out before he knew it fire! He thought he was at deaths door. I told him not to do that anymore!
All I could do was watch the flames reach out my window. Like huge firey hands reaching out to grabe me. The fire fighters working hard to put it out.
Then I started seeing people coming out of their homes. Then I heard people starting to call my name. My life was never going to be the same. I hoped I didn’t lose everything that I worked so hard for.
I felt helpless and very alone ,should I even trust again? I hoped my two cats were alright. If they see flames I hoped they ran for their life.

I talked to the firefighters and talked to the police. I was starting to feel very cold and weak. It was dark and I had no place to go. After that the night went very slow.
I went to my mother’s house to spend the night. But yet she had her own fight. She was sick and I didn’t want to worry her. But she already knew about the fire that’s for sure
All I could think of was some warm blankets some warm food and some sleep. I was hoping this was all a nightmare and it would end soon. I would wake up in my own bed.
My night wasn’t over yet I had to figure out where I was going to stay. I found out it was a hotel room the next day.
I had to go back and find my cats and make sure they were ok.
I didn’t sleep I kept wondering why? Why did this happen?
Doesn’t my son realize fire kills? Were lucky to be alive. I swear I’m the one with nine lives! Will I ever trust again? I just wanted this nightmare to end.
As soon as it was day break I went home before anyone got up. I wanted to check on the cats and pack up. I had thing’s to do and people to see. At the end of that day I found shelter, and I found my cats. All I could do was smell a rat. I was just thankfulll they were ok.
They ran back to my old house which wasn’t to far away. It was empty and they were safe there. How they knew how to do that was beyond me. I gave them some food and some loving hugs and told them I would be back every day.
A month went by and I was lost with the tide. I felt helpless and weak . I was still in a hotel room week after week. All I wanted to do was come home. I could
barely speak. My friends were never friends when I needed them the most. All I could do was try and cope. I was totally alone and totally in the dark.

But everyday I would go and check on my cats. I noticed a friendship starting to bond with the both of them. I noticed my older female hiding more than the younger male. But I noticed when they were together they would snuggle up on the same chair. They would eat out of the same bowl. Where as before they didn’t. I sat there and petted them and fed them and gave them lots of hugs. I told them soon they would be home. Soon we were home. After all the renovations were done and it was safe.
My son lost everything in his room and only in his room. Most of my stuff was destroyed by smoke damage. I had to basically start again. I was thankfull the first day I was home. I couldn’t belive how happy I was. Truly hoped this would never happen again.I was going to ensure that this wil never happen again. I felt for my safety. I didn’t want another fire.
As soon as my stuff was moved back in and it was safe to bring the cats home I went over to the old place and got my cats. I had my son carry the male and I carried my female. She was more used to me. I knew they endured alot by them selves. Even if I was there everyday to check on them. They endured the weather most of all. It was getting cold at night and it wasn’t fair to them that they had to fight. I was happy they were coming home. I was happy to be alive.
We soon had everything unpacked and in it’s place. My female was settleing in. But my male just wanted to jump out the window and run away. So I shut all the doors and windows that night. Even though it was very hot and humid.
I sat there on my sofa and petted my female until she settled down. As soon as my son got home I had him take care of the male. He needed attention and wanted out. We settled both cats down or so we thought. As soon as that door flung open my male cat ran out. I haven’t seen him since.
I looked for him and searched for him and called him. I even put posters up. I got no reply. I gaven up searching after about a year. But I still have my female. I will always have my female. She is my best friend and always will be. That was over ten years ago that happened.
My son is now twenty and has a family of his own.
My female cat is still with me and always will be. She is nineteen years old. Tonight as I write this she is safe at home in her bed with a warn blanket.
I will never forget it. Any of it! As long as I live!
Laura G©


Love Always Your Mom: Laura
24, Dec 2007