"Dutch Speedy and Babycakes"
In Loving Memory of "Dutch" my black and tan dachshund who had to be euphanized 6/11/97 my darling "Speedy" my Russian Dwarf hamster died 11/9/96 and my Darling "Babycakes" aka Precious my rat who had to be euphanized 11/2/97.
My Darling Dutch my female black and tan who was at my side during a very difficult pregnancy in 1989 I will always remember the loving eyes that warmed my heart and my soul. My tears that still come and always will will be neverending for the love that you gave to me. To my Darling "Speedy" I tried to help you with antibiotics with no help in site but finding your little body lifeless as mine seems now. And finally to my "Babycakes" I told you that I was sorry that I had to do this I hope that you understand the love that went in my touch and kiss that night. In all memory of all my babies I miss you terribly and I love you all with all my heart and always will for the warmth happiness and some lonely hours that you all so willingly filled. I hope that somewhere you all know how much I so desparately love all of you and I will always have a need for your loving and unconditional love for me.
Your Loving Mom Mary
Dutch,Speedy & Babycakes |