Felix {Our Wee Man} by Jayne

To Felix (our wee man). You came into our lives as a little stray kitten. You were so loving never cross so funny and so playful. You enjoyed life so much and were friendly with everyone even Bonnie our dog and Smudgie our other cat. We all just loved you so very much. Just before your accident you had been so ill we thought we would loss you many times but you pulled through and we all had been overjoyed. Little did we know that you would be knocked down a few weeks later.

It broke our hearts to loss you just 6 months after you came into our lives. We couldn’t believe it when we found you lying in the road just beside our home. You were barely alive and we thought you would pull through. We were all so heartbroken when the vet said there was nothing he could do. You had suffered terrible head and spinal injuries.

We had no choice but to put you to sleep your ‘Daddy’ Joe stayed with you. We would have done anything wee man for you to have lived but it was not to be. We buried you in the garden. We all miss you so much and have cried so much. We will always miss you so much little Felix. You were only here a short time but gave us so much love —

we will never forget you.



Felix {Our Wee Man}
24, May 2002