Fiesty by Kassie / Mommy

Today I lost my bestfriend. You truly
did your job in life! You would
have done anything for me and had
my back until the end! You are a
true blessing in my life, so sad yours
was cut soo short. I was for sure I
had at least 4 more years with you.
If I would have known you were
sick I would have been there, right by
your side. Now who’s going to greet
me when I walk through the
front door? You were always so
outspoken, I swear you were trying
to talk..who’s going to play the
blanket game with me? Who am
going to lay my head on? Who’s
going to protect me? Man oh man..
I’m already missing my Fiesty girl.
You have been with me for over 10
years you are a huge part of me.
You were the best gift I could ever
receive. I knew you were the 1 when
I chose you, You were the smallest
little runt..I knew you
would grow up with big personality.. And you did! All I had to do was say “Fiesty, talk to me” and you would carry on with your growls and moans! Give kisses when needed, back off anyone who got out of pocket! You truly lived up to your name.. I will always love you and will see you again one day! There will never be a better dog than you! I miss you.

A Pitbulls Prayer

Spirit in the sky, who watches over all animals: It is my prayer and my request that you grant greater understanding, and acceptance to humans; those who love us, and those who hate us.
That they will know how loyal we are, how brave we are, and how loving we are. Help them to accept us as a breed in whole, and not let the few tragedies shine brighter than the many great traits that we have.
And those who would kill me, let them know, I forgive them, even though I dont understand their hatred. And those who would beat me, let them know I still love them, even though it is not the honorable way.
Thank you for all the strong traits that you have given to me, and my breed. Help those to know that I stand for courage, strength, loyalty, and bravery. And as my master already knows, let those who would come against my family know that I would surely die defending them.
And just one last thing that I would ask: Let my master know, that if you should call me away, that I will wait patiently at those pearly gates until the one who chose me, comes home.
Author Unknown


I will love you always!
1, Mar 2010