I truly believe that God sent you to me to lift my spirits. You showed up on my porch one day, all dirty and matted and scared to death. At the time I had two dogs and my then husband said no way could I keep you, so I took you to the Humane Society. Back then they held you for seven days and if you weren’t claimed I could adopt you or you would be euthanized. I thought about you for the whole time. You looked so much like our other Fluffy who we had lost about a year earlier. Actually, you could have been one of his offspring (he roamed a lot!)
After the seven days, the Humane Society called and said no one had claimed you and I had 24 hours to adopt you. It didn’t take much deciding and I went down and got you. It caused a lot of problems and eventually the husband left but you stayed–good deal as far as I was concerned!
You were about a year to eighteen months old when you came according to my vet. When I took you for a check-up it was also discovered that you were pregnant. On the vet’s advice we aborted the puppies because he said they were too big for you to deliver naturally and you were pretty malnourished yourself at the time. Veterinary medicine was a lot less sophisticated back then. But everything turned out okay and you turned out to be a wonderful “kid”, so much like our other Fluffy. You had eyes that were almost human and I used to call you ” my little people in a doggy suit”. You seemed to sense and understand everything and although you had your snarly side at times you were generally a good girl. You were pretty much your own dog and
did things on your terms.
We had a good life together, a little over 15 years–some good times, some bad but we got through them together. It was truly sad when old age took it’s toll. You developed arthritis and eventually went blind. Your quality of life was not good anymore. Even though you were blind, your eyes told me you were ready to cross the Bridge. I had two lifetimes with similar dogs who both taught me a lot and put things in perspective for me. You went very peacefully and although I mourned your loss, I celebrated your life, thank you for sharing it with me. I know you’ll find me at the Bridge–just like you found me in life. Be at Peace—-
Fluffy |
8, Apr 1994 |
Helen Malinauskas |