Fred by Art and Teresa Frith / Art and Family

On the morning of Sept. 15, 2000, our family lost
a good friend and companion.

FRED came into our lives in October 1986 when we returned to the United States from a tour of duty near Athens, Greece.

He was a frisky young pup who had a love of pulling socks off our sons and chomping on the rear end of the 2-year-old and dragging him down the stairs!

He traveled to Oberammergau, West Germany and learned that dogs, too, could have hay fever. Riding a couple of hours in a car to Augsburg to get allergy shots was not one of FRED’s favorite things to do.

He did a great Garfield imitation…..going spread Eagle at the door, doing his best not to go inside.
His best buddy was
a German Shepherd guard dog named “Prince”…..not!

At our home in Michigan FRED enjoyed a large, fenced-in yardto call his own. He loved to make my wife angry by walking over the small fence that surrounded her strawberry patch, munch away,
and act like he had no idea how he got there when caught.

His most favorite thing in the world was a crisp apple…..pears, bananas and strawberries, too. No one was immune from his demanding “Woof”
when entering our home. They must pay the top dog with an apple from the refrigerator immediately, or face hearing the demand forever.

This love of fruit did make taking pills easier. All we had to do was stuff ‘em inside a piece of banana and it was down the hatch for the meds.

Stock in the apple and banana industry will now take a nose-dive with FRED’s passing Friday morning. It will seem very strange not to hear his bark asking for one. FRED’s spirit and will to live was strong up to the end.

He’d walk up and down the stairs, sometimes stumbling but never complaining or showing the pain arthritis and old age inflicted on his body.

Such a noble animal and a credit
to all English Springer Spaniels.

Rest easy, old friend.
You now have all the area to romp and play.

Just take it easy on Saint Peter. I doubt he’s been briefed to have an apple at the ready upon your arrival, but there will be plenty for you from now on.


15, Sep 2000
Art and Teresa Frith