Freebie by Treanne

My Freebie was a very special cat who was my shadow. He always found a way to cheer me up and to be by my side when I needed him. He had a very unique way to show me he loved me. He would jump up onto the bed and “head bunt” me. He would tap his head with mine and would purr. We were constant companions and Freebie had to sleep in between my pillow and my husband’s. He started that when he was small and kept doing it off and on. If he wasn’t there you could find him snuggled up against my stomach and purring or at my feet. He loved to chase me around the house and he would always catch me and I would “fall”.

We got his buddy JC when he was slowing down at age 4. That perked him up and they were best buds. They were always resting together and chasing and play fighting. JC thought Freebie was the greatest cat in the world and always bugged him to do everything with him. Freebie loved JC as much as JC loved Freeebie. Freebie always depended on me to play with him or feed him. I always depended on Freebie to be my constant friend and companion. My husband used to joke that I loved Freebie more than I loved him. We all loved him very much,JC too. .

On March 20 2001 Freebie would be my shadow no more. He had been sick for awhile and we had been visiting the vet several times. Finally 3 days ago we found that he had cancer-the size of a softball. It had burst and he was in tremendous pain. There was nothing he could do for Freebie. Freebie had depended on me one last time. Something I never wanted to do but I know I had to. Freebie passed away in the vet’s office with huge tears streaming down my face. I love you Freebie. I will always love you. I will see you in heaven my friend.



20, March 2001