Fuzzy Bunz by Siobhan


"Fuzzy Bunz"

April 1 1994 ----- January 23 2000


I'm white as snow with pink ears and nose.

I make no noise I'm quiet as a mouse.

I love to eat carrots and apples.

I love to dig and get dirty.

I love to run and play hide and go seek.



When we go for walks I like to be in front of your feet.

I like to stop suddenly and see you stop funnily.

I don't allow the other pets around you.

I chase away the other dogs and cats.

I want to have your full attention all the time.

I enjoy you company.



Thank you for bringing me inside on those hot days.

Thank you for brushing me and helping me shed that fur.

Thank you for giving me a home when I needed one most.

I'll see you in heaven.


Fuzzy Bunz








Fuzzy Bunz