GEMMA by Carol-ann James / Mummy

I have written this poem for my Gemma. One year has passed and my grief for her is still the same.
I miss you so much sweetheart……
As I laid you ‘neath the soil and clay
I laid my heart beside you, and quietly walked away.

It’s been a sad and lonely year since you passed away
No-one understands my pain of living day to day.
They say time is a healer, but I know this is not true
For me times at a stand still, and I still grieve for you.

I wake up every morning knowing you’re not there.
I see your little face in everything we use to share.
No matter what I’m doing I always seem to find
You’re there inside my head, and always on my mind.

I’m in a constant daydream of how things use to be.
We’d take long walks together and play so happily.
I could never find a love like yours no matter how I tried.
The sunshine vanished from my life on the day you died.

As I daydream about you while sitting in my chair,
I find you all around me and I pretend that you’re still there.
I tell you that I love you, and that I miss you so.
I tell you how my life has changed since you had to go.

You made my life so happy because of all the love you gave.
Now I’m sad and lonely while standing at your grave.
I look to where I laid you, and then I say “Hello”.
I know you cannot hear me, it’s just I miss you so.

I kneel to tend your flowers that I carefully arrange.
I still cannot believe you’ve gone life seems so very strange.
I tell you all that’s happened and just before I go.
I say how much I miss you, as if you didn’t know.

But through the pain I’m feeling I really have to say,
For all the joy you brought to me I’m glad you came my way.
And as I walk away from you feeling really low,
I turn around and say to you “Gemma, I love you so”.


When your pain ended, mine began.
Love from brokenhearted,
6, Nov 2002
Carol-ann James