Ginger by Dana Davis / Mommy

Ginger, I am so happy to have you. I remember when I brought you and your mother, Buffy, home from the rescue. You were so little! I had your temporary cage set up in my bedroom, right beside my bed. You would cry when I took Buffy out for some lap time; she would cry when I took you out for lap time.

As time passed, you grew up and were ready for the big cage in the living room. It is a 2 x 5 C&C cage. You and Buffy had many, many happy times in that cage. You would eat your food and hay and drink your water. You have a kitchen area where you have a nice, big hay rack. You and your Mom would wait turns at the water bottle. I have two bottles in there, but you ladies seemed to prefer one over the other.

I love holding you and the cute little way you lay your head on my shoulder. You also enjoy pulling your food bowl to the location of your choice. I also enjoy how you use your beds/cuddle cups. You have your own ideas as to how you want things.

You are by yourself now since Buffy recently passed on to the Rainbow Bridge. She will continue to watch over you. I’m so happy to see you doing well by yourself. I love seeing my girl eat and do guinea pig things. Ginger, I hope we have many more happy years together.


Dana Davis