Ginger Rhenea by Summer

I got Ginger when I was two years old. I had been attacked by a neighbors dog and had become very afraid of animals so my mother bought me Ginger thinking I might get over my fear. Today I have four dogs and want a million more! Ginger was the love of my life. Over the years I dressed her in my doll clothes introduced her to my new boyfriends took her for a ride in my brand new car we did everything together.

When I turned eighteen she crawled under my parent’s bed and passed away. I didn’t know it until the next morning when she wasn’t there. My father had buried her early that morning. Even though my father is a stern man there were tears running down his face that’s when I realized how much she meant to our family. We still have pictures of her everywhere and talk about her all of the time. She was my first dog and will forever be in my heart. I love you Ginger!!!!

Summer Rich


Ginger Rhenea
17, March 1998