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100 entries.
joan joan from santa rosa wrote on August 20, 2019 at 4:17 pm
Sadness abounds after your death, Otis. I miss you, love you forever
Brigitte Brigitte from Beloeil wrote on August 15, 2019 at 7:49 pm
My little Max died yesterday. I'm so sad. Alone in this big house bougth for him and his brother. This is the end of wath was all my life before. The first day of the rest of my life without them.
Jan Patten Jan Patten from Conway wrote on August 10, 2019 at 2:13 am
My beautiful Remy took his last breath today. He was my special boy, the only grey kitten in a feral cat's litter. He grew to be my constant companion, spending sunny days on the deck, but cuddling up with me when it was time to rest. Cat's are so good at hiding their pain, and by the time Remy showed me his suffering, it was too late to help him. He passed over the Rainbow Bridge with me giving him the under-the-chin scratches he loved. Oh how my heart is broken! Blessed be, my boy, blessed be.
Christine Channon Christine Channon from Greely wrote on June 7, 2019 at 11:43 pm
I have donated $50.00 in Memory of Sam Robinson Paula Robinson's dog who passed 2 days ago.
Pozycjonowanie Wrocław Pozycjonowanie Wrocław from Wrocław wrote on May 6, 2019 at 5:02 pm
Lovely website! Still, remember my lovely cat Albert who died year ago 🙁 Miss you so much!
Lisa Gilpin Lisa Gilpin from Mesa wrote on April 28, 2019 at 4:20 pm
BullyBoy You were the only one of nine who looked just like your dad and you were the one i just had to have. I dont understand why you had to go but i miss you so much lifes so unfair but one day we will be together again love and miss you
Cheryl L Bishop Cheryl L Bishop from Syracuse wrote on April 6, 2019 at 5:15 pm
HoneyLove - I found you 13 yrs. ago in an Aldi's parking lot....or maybe you found me because you came right over to me, limping on your swollen hindfoot and immediately let me pick you up. You were my heart cat and you shall ALWAYS remain there. It's hard for me to sleep at night without you sleeping on my chest and purring me to sleep & Gracie misses her napping buddie. I hope I gave you as much love as you gave to me!! 4/6/19
Amy Friend Amy Friend from wilmington wrote on April 4, 2019 at 4:31 am
I love and miss you Hunter.15 years was a long time of bonding. I still look for you in all the usual places. My heart hurts so deeply when for a split second I walk into the house and expect to see you waiting. We had a good run, my friend.I will see you later
chad calvert chad calvert wrote on February 24, 2019 at 8:06 pm
IKE "MY LITTLE SON" Our time together was not done!!!! Your innocence all to brief you left behind a special feeling a strong spirit and loving soul. There will be another place and time. UNTILL WE MEET AGAIN FOREVER TOGETHER IN MY HEART YOU WILL REMAIN SHALL YOU REST IN PEACE MY LITTLE SON ILL SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE!!!!! 2/28/2013--RIP--2/3/2019 (ROTTWEILLER)
CHAD CALVERT CHAD CALVERT wrote on February 24, 2019 at 7:51 pm
RIP IKE 2/28/13--2/3/19(Rottwieller)My son IKE passed away in a kennel next to his momma the other day my heart has been ripped out and handed to me..Dearest IKE my son please forgive me for i do not know how to process this yet. You sure did step up after your dad passed away ive been so proud of you!! Our last game of fetch boy you really won my heart what a special last memory. Im glad i still have your momma i dont know how we are going to recover from your loss. Please tell your daddy(KAIN) we miss him and still feel him every day and to please never stop trying to reach out and touch me from the other side its a special feeling and im wanting you to join him strengthen that bond you guys are a big part of me and forever in my heart..RUN LIKE THE WIND BUDDY....I LOVE YOU
Bekki Kalk Bekki Kalk from hinton wrote on February 8, 2019 at 6:08 am
My sister lost her black and white Japanese chin named Zeke over a year ago, he had a heart attack at the vets, had fluid in his lungs and had to be put down on November 6th, it was a sad day. He was such a loving little guy, one of the greatest dogs I ever had the pleasure of knowing, (that goes for the other dogs that I have lost too) he was friendly, cute, soft, I loved petting his tail, he followed Kristy around all the time, he was such a good boy! We miss him a lot, poor little doggie, but he's in a better place with all the other dogs and animals that have passed, he's probably even friends with them! We miss you Zeke and wish you were still here, but we'll see each other someday, at least we have pictures of you so we wont forget, I even have a mug with his face on it! So yeah, rest in peace buddy, I hope your having the time of your life up there in doggie heaven and rockin the rainbrow bridge! momma loves you!
Bekki Kalk Bekki Kalk from hinton wrote on January 19, 2019 at 2:55 am
I understand the heartbreak of losing a beloved pet, having lots lots of guinea pigs, a dog, rabbit and two cats! I lost my guinea pig named Waffles just last august on the 11th, he was the sweetiest, cutest little guy ever! He was yellow with a white stirpe and white on his face, so cute! The night before he passed, he was on the bed with me, cuddling and he couldn't walk right cause something was wrong with his back legs, I was getting emotional, and when I woke up the next morning, he was gone. it was a horrible day, I will never forget him, he'll be in my heart and my mind forever, I even have two pictures of him on the wall, so I can see him anytime I want! Rest in peace Waffles, you were, and are the best, most awesome guinea pig I ever knew, and I was very grateful that you were a part of my family! it's still hard for me to accept your death, cause we were together every hour of the day, every minute! but heaven needed you too, and so you went up there to play with the other animals and guinea pigs that have passed, you crossed The Rainbow Bridge. I just hope your happy up there, not lonely, and haven't forgotten about me yet, at least you don't have to live in a cage anymore right? you have all the room in the world now, so run around and play, do what you want you little stinker, such a sweetie! He was soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute and loving! Such a good boy, he'll always be a good boy! Anyways, rest in peace little angel, I wish you were still here, i'll never forget you, it's hard sometimes and I still cry, i'm emotional right now, but your in a better place and we'll see each other again someday. Rest in peace sweetheart, you were such a good kid, I miss you. Mamma loves you! wrote on January 3, 2019 at 2:54 pm
Our memory is very important. We must remember about our pets and love them.
Susan Susan from Leeds wrote on November 28, 2018 at 12:33 am
We lost "Ty" on the 25/11/18.a beautiful Rottweiller with a heart of pure gold!.he lost his fight so bravely borne from Cancer, he was a trooper,he went through leg amputation,and was doing well until a fall, which damaged his good leg, where by he could not walk,...saying Goodbye broke our hearts, he,s in Gods hands now, and out of pain,but sadly we are not and never will be we loved him so very much, boy till we meet again....xxxx
Yaneri Rodriguez Yaneri Rodriguez from Cerritos wrote on November 27, 2018 at 8:11 pm
It's been a while, pretty much a long time. I was cleaning my emails on my Yahoo site and came across your website. Curious, I went to the site. It's been 8 years since the passing of my Daisy, my baby Cairn Terrier. I was so happy with happy tears to see her pictures and my posts are still here. I just want to thank you so kindly that her memory is still here in your site and not deleted. Very touching to see her and remember her. God bless.
Danielle DiBlasi Danielle DiBlasi from SOUTH ORANGE wrote on November 20, 2018 at 5:30 pm
Lost my Max (Rottweiler) on 10/9/2018 to cancer. He fought the good fight. He was a soldier, a trooper, the toughest, strongest animal or person I've ever known. I will love him always. He put his paw prints on my heart..till we meet at the Rainbow Bridge Maxie.I love you good boy.....RIP 3/18/2009-10/9/2018
donald horne donald horne from north carolina wrote on November 13, 2018 at 12:02 am
lost my presious little chi on jan 7 2018 her name was cindy horne miss her so much watch over your cousin gizmo corky tiny love paw
Debbie and girls Debbie and girls from Abilene wrote on September 6, 2018 at 12:32 am
I just lost my loving dog, Olivia on 12 May 2018 and 3 months later lost my cat on 12 August 2018. My heart is beyond broken. Olivia was with me for almost 14 years and Montana almost 12 years. I will forever miss them. I love you both and pray that you are both running free together.
Jackie G. Jackie G. from Cedar Hill wrote on August 30, 2018 at 6:41 am
My heart is very broken from the loss of Ferris. He was a beautiful short haired white dog and had just turned 12 years old by a few months. He was a loving, passionate, stubborn, but happy soul. He barked at everyone for attention and attention he received. He showed our family so much love, even when he began to get sicker. He never gave up on life. He was a very strong soul too, but this time his physical well-being was too damaged to let his soul and passion for his will to live survive this time. He didn't want to leave without us letting him go and he looked at me with those big beautiful eyes and went home. I felt so helpless that I couldn't do anything for him, but The Supreme Being, let me spend one last day with Ferris. I held him in my chest after his bath, what seemed like forever and even though, it was his last time with me, I felt that deep love connection between us and he showed me that he had been loved deeply by winking at me before he passed. I, we will never forget our best friend!!!!! RIP (you don't have to hurt any more lil' man)
Maylene Dingler Maylene Dingler from Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands wrote on July 17, 2018 at 2:55 pm
My heart is broken and my tears are flowing. I just had to have my almost 12 year old Pitt euthanized, I will share here what I told her umpteen times a day: Remi is the sweetest, Remi is the prettiest, Remi is the smartest dog in all the world and Grand-mommy loves Remi. Yes - Grandmommy - she was my deceased son’s dog. I know that I did what was best for her but oh how Inwish she could have lived forever