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86 entries.
Yaneri Rodriguez Yaneri Rodriguez from Cerritos wrote on November 27, 2018 at 8:11 pm
It's been a while, pretty much a long time. I was cleaning my emails on my Yahoo site and came across your website. Curious, I went to the site. It's been 8 years since the passing of my Daisy, my baby Cairn Terrier. I was so happy with happy tears to see her pictures and my posts are still here. I just want to thank you so kindly that her memory is still here in your site and not deleted. Very touching to see her and remember her. God bless.
Danielle DiBlasi Danielle DiBlasi from SOUTH ORANGE wrote on November 20, 2018 at 5:30 pm
Lost my Max (Rottweiler) on 10/9/2018 to cancer. He fought the good fight. He was a soldier, a trooper, the toughest, strongest animal or person I've ever known. I will love him always. He put his paw prints on my heart..till we meet at the Rainbow Bridge Maxie.I love you good boy.....RIP 3/18/2009-10/9/2018
donald horne donald horne from north carolina wrote on November 13, 2018 at 12:02 am
lost my presious little chi on jan 7 2018 her name was cindy horne miss her so much watch over your cousin gizmo corky tiny love paw
Debbie and girls Debbie and girls from Abilene wrote on September 6, 2018 at 12:32 am
I just lost my loving dog, Olivia on 12 May 2018 and 3 months later lost my cat on 12 August 2018. My heart is beyond broken. Olivia was with me for almost 14 years and Montana almost 12 years. I will forever miss them. I love you both and pray that you are both running free together.
Jackie G. Jackie G. from Cedar Hill wrote on August 30, 2018 at 6:41 am
My heart is very broken from the loss of Ferris. He was a beautiful short haired white dog and had just turned 12 years old by a few months. He was a loving, passionate, stubborn, but happy soul. He barked at everyone for attention and attention he received. He showed our family so much love, even when he began to get sicker. He never gave up on life. He was a very strong soul too, but this time his physical well-being was too damaged to let his soul and passion for his will to live survive this time. He didn't want to leave without us letting him go and he looked at me with those big beautiful eyes and went home. I felt so helpless that I couldn't do anything for him, but The Supreme Being, let me spend one last day with Ferris. I held him in my chest after his bath, what seemed like forever and even though, it was his last time with me, I felt that deep love connection between us and he showed me that he had been loved deeply by winking at me before he passed. I, we will never forget our best friend!!!!! RIP (you don't have to hurt any more lil' man)
Maylene Dingler Maylene Dingler from Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands wrote on July 17, 2018 at 2:55 pm
My heart is broken and my tears are flowing. I just had to have my almost 12 year old Pitt euthanized, I will share here what I told her umpteen times a day: Remi is the sweetest, Remi is the prettiest, Remi is the smartest dog in all the world and Grand-mommy loves Remi. Yes - Grandmommy - she was my deceased son’s dog. I know that I did what was best for her but oh how Inwish she could have lived forever
Dawid Dawid from Warsaw wrote on July 16, 2018 at 7:15 pm
I enjoyed reading the post, lots of great information.
CARL KAYE CARL KAYE from OSHAWA wrote on July 14, 2018 at 8:16 pm
It's now been 7 years today that my little fella, my boy,my friend, Tyson Kaye left after suddenly being diagnosed with cancer. I miss him just as much today as I did July 14th, 2011. My heart aches for the love he so eagerly gave to me every day. I truly hope there is an after life where once again, I will see that beautiful face and be reunited again. Tyson, I love you XO Your Daddy forever
gary gary from mason city wrote on June 28, 2018 at 1:37 pm
Oscar you went to the rainbow bridge to be with your sister on 06/28/2018 at 8:10am, I never ever wanted to put you asleep but your tired 16 yr old body couldn't take anymore,you fought a long and tough battle baby boy, I will always love you forever and Oscar please know that I did this for you, If my LOVE and Tears could build a stairway to heaven I would walk up and bring you home, have fun playing with your sister, love ya forever Boy!!!
Judith Mansey Judith Mansey from Bradenton wrote on June 27, 2018 at 10:32 pm
My little Natasha went over the rainbow bridge in March 2018 very quietly. One day she just wouldn't eat or walk and was very lethargic. This went on for 2 days and we took her to the vet. She was diagnosed with hemalytic anemia and given meds. The next day I held her in her blanket in my arms and looked up at me. I told her it was OK to go and with that she closed her big brown eyes and took her last breath. I feel truly blessed that I did not have to make the dicision and I know that God took her in His time, while she was laying in my arms and only knew love. I miss my little girl so much but I know that she is not suffering. RIP my little one until I see you again.
Barbara Barbara from Louisville Ky wrote on May 24, 2018 at 11:12 am
I will see you again... when i cross the bridge your mommy will be holding out her hands for you to come running to me once again. Love you!
Jeff Gann Jeff Gann from Algona wrote on May 20, 2018 at 12:46 am
RIP Cleo the boxer.
Sara McIlroy Sara McIlroy from Port Townsend wrote on May 17, 2018 at 9:58 pm
I just lost my kitty Jack and I have two tributes for two of my other cats that passed away almost 10 years ago and your website is changed and I keep sending reset for new password and I'm not getting anything in my email could you please respond as I would like to write a tribute to my baby. My email is Thank you sincerely Sara McIlroy Hi Sarah, Please check your e-mail a reply is waiting. Thank you, Carole
Asti Asti from Gdansk wrote on May 17, 2018 at 1:29 pm
Yesterday I lost my beautiful dog Lili. She was the sunshine of my life... RIP 🙁 🙂
Pastar Pastar wrote on May 17, 2018 at 11:30 am
I loved my all pets, but my dog the best. He has gone about one month ago. I miss him so much..
Fiona Fiona wrote on May 7, 2018 at 11:03 am
I'll always remember my cat Marina
Sherry H Sherry H from sardis, bc wrote on April 27, 2018 at 8:31 pm
Dearest Perry... Feb 7 2002 -- Jan 10 2018 A wee chihuahua who only knew LOVE from early morning to late. A bundle of JOY and how I was graced to have had him for 16 long years. He was L-O-V-E-D to the moon and back, my wee protege. Left my Life-not my Heart. With me eternally.... Sherry
Paweł Paweł from Wrocław wrote on April 22, 2018 at 7:43 am
I miss my Pug Norbert sooo much 🙁 Thanks for this website.....
Shelly Shelly from Mascotte wrote on April 16, 2018 at 6:39 pm
I got my Pandora when she was a few days shy of a month old. When she was two we found out she was born with Pancreatitis. Thursday we had to put her to sleep because it was starting to act up again and there was nothing the vets could do. They said her pancreas was shutting down that she only had a few days left on her own. She never showed the pain except in her eyes. Sometimes she would whine a little in pain but never showed it when they would press on her pancreas or anything. They couldn't do anything else for her it was best to let her go so shes free from pain. I miss her and love her so much everyday. It hurts bad that she isn't here with me. I visit her everyday and talk to her I look at her picture or think of her and all I do is cry in pain because she isnt here. I kept her collar and leash and two of her toys and put them in a box with her name. Sometimes I think I can still smell her near me or sense she is near.I miss her so very much it hurts.
Susan Hurtick Susan Hurtick wrote on April 15, 2018 at 6:12 pm
It has been a long road. It's been a year since I said goodbye to both my last two girls side by side. They would have been 13 yrs. 2017. They were each others company as well as mine..they knew when I was down and out and they comforted me. Now they are running and playing with Hailey's Mom and Step-Sister beyond the Rainbows Bridge. I have passed this site on to many groups. It's a Beautiful Site to visit and remember your Loved Pet.